Let's put into context how much of a sad, pathetic loser you are...
You're here, priding yourself about talking more than one language, bragging like that's such an impressive feat...
Unfortunately, something went over your head, it seems (what a surprise...).
I was born and grew in a part of our country (and it's not the only one, mind) where learning not one, not two, but three languages isn't rare, it's... well, just normalcy. Everyday life.
What constitutes something extraordinary to you, it's just the things way are for me, honey... Nothing to be proud of, tbh...
So take it down a notch, little lamb lover and kindly fuck off, you fucking piece of shit. 🥱
Comentarios [1]
22 feb 2025, 18:51
Let's put into context how much of a sad, pathetic loser you are...
You're here, priding yourself about talking more than one language, bragging like that's such an impressive feat...
Unfortunately, something went over your head, it seems (what a surprise...).
I was born and grew in a part of our country (and it's not the only one, mind) where learning not one, not two, but three languages isn't rare, it's... well, just normalcy. Everyday life.
What constitutes something extraordinary to you, it's just the things way are for me, honey... Nothing to be proud of, tbh...
So take it down a notch, little lamb lover and kindly fuck off, you fucking piece of shit. 🥱
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